Today, officially known as Domainween (but literally only by me), became If you’re reading this (which I can only assume you are), you’re already living in this brave new world. is now the home for all things Woo: our platform, marketplace, agency program, partnerships, and more.

Why Woo? Why now?

“Woo” is how many loyal customers have referred to us for years. And now we’re leaning into that name for our company and brand. It’s a fun, punchy name that shows how excited we are to empower success for merchants and developers. Switching to is part of this larger strategy.

The move to Woo also allows us to standardize and streamline the names of our products and services. For example, we recently renamed WooCommerce Payments to WooPayments, and we’re gradually changing other product names to support this simplified naming system and better connect our core software, extensions, and programs.

So what do I call you?

You can call us Woo, WooCommerce, Their Supreme Wooness — whatever you’d like. But if you want to be specific:

  • Woo is how we refer to the brand/company.
  • WooCommerce is the open-source ecommerce platform for WordPress — Woo’s core product.

Will anything else be changing? Will everything still work the same? Change is hard?

Don’t be scared. We’re tackling all of the technical changes required on our side:

  • Any changes to extension names will be automatic and should require no action.
  • Woo merchants may see a note about the domain name change in their dashboard or emails, but no action should be necessary.
  • Woo’s partners, vendors, and developers have already prepared for the change.

What if I’m having an issue?

Let us know! Reach out to our Happiness Engineers, and they’ll be happy (no pun) to help.

Welcome to!

We hope to see you around for all things related to WooCommerce, the Woo Marketplace, our WooExperts program, documentation, support, and much more.

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