User interfaces (UIs) that display progress are valuable because they provide visual feedback on the completion of tasks, eliminating the need for users to guess their progress. These UIs are commonly seen on devices during updates, but designers are now using CSS and JavaScript to create more creative and informative progress UIs on the web.

Here are eight examples of progress bars and UIs that offer unique features and designs:

1. Animated Semi-Circular Progress Bar Chart Using SVG by Andrew Sims: This snippet uses ProgressBar.js and SVG to create an attractive presentation of progress in the form of a beautiful semicircle. [View Example](

2. CSS Animated Download & Progress Animation by Aaron Iker: This example simplifies the display of progress during file downloads with a single button that provides all the necessary information. [View Example](

3. Progress Bar Animation by Eva Wythien: This progress bar demonstrates how creativity can be incorporated into UI design using CSS keyframe animations, patterns, and gradients. [View Example](

4. CSS & JavaScript Progress Clock by Jon Kantner: This unique progress UI measures time and breaks it down into smaller units, allowing users to focus on each unit’s progress. [View Example](

5. CSS-Only Order Process Steps by Jamie Coulter: This UI showcases the steps in an eCommerce process and reveals more details when each step is clicked. It also serves as an onboarding component. [View Example](

6. Screen Wraparound Progress Bar by Thomas Vaeth: This scroll-based progress UI wraps a colored bar around the viewport as users scroll, creating a unique effect that could be suitable for storytelling websites. [View Example](

7. Responsive Circle Progress Bar by Tigran Sargsyan: This snippet uses an HTML range input that syncs with a circular progress UI, with the colors changing as the slider value changes. [View Example](

8. Rotating 3D Progress Bar by Amit: These rotating 3D progress bars offer a futuristic look and are built entirely with CSS, making them attention-grabbing. [View Example](

These examples demonstrate the wide range of possibilities for progress UI design. By combining CSS, JavaScript, and imagination, designers can create unique and visually appealing progress UIs that match their desired aesthetic. For more progress UI examples, check out our CodePen collection.

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