The selection of color is one of the most important aspects of digital art. It can transform a piece, set the tone, and create harmony. Choosing the right colors is not just about aesthetics, but also about improving the overall composition and cohesion of your artwork.

Installing and creating custom color schemes in Procreate is easy. You can import swatches from various sources or create palettes directly within the app. Procreate’s intuitive color wheel and palettes allow for quick adjustments and seamless integration into your workflow, making it easy to experiment and find the perfect color scheme for your projects.

This collection offers some of the best free color schemes and swatches available for Procreate. These curated palettes are designed to simplify your color selection process and give you the tools you need to create professional-grade digital artwork.

Whether you’re aiming for vibrant contrasts or subtle harmonies, these free color resources offer valuable inspiration that will help improve your digital creations in Procreate.

If you’re new to Procreate, you might want to check out a collection of tutorials for learning Procreate. And if you’re looking for brushes, there is a collection of free Procreate brush sets available as well.

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