Designers’ Weekly News Issue 718

The article features several links and images related to various topics. Here is a summary of each link:

1. Adobe Stock Offer: This link redirects to an image advertisement for an Adobe Stock offer. The image dimensions are 300×600 pixels.

2. “What Removing Object Properties Tells Us About JavaScript”: This link leads to an article on Smashing Magazine discussing different methods for removing properties in JavaScript. The article is accompanied by an image with dimensions 750×500 pixels.

3. Protomaps Open-Source World Map: This link directs users to a website showcasing a new, free, open-source map of the world. The map can be deployed as a single static file on cloud storage. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is included.

4. Ideas for Image Motion Trail Animations: This link provides examples of mouse or touch-responsive animations where images follow the user’s motion path. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is displayed.

5. 2023 Design Collaboration Report: Clicking on this link takes users to a report where over 370 designers from different industries share their thoughts on design collaboration. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is shown.

6. The Grumpy Designer Ponders What It Means To ‘Learn’ AI: This link leads to an article discussing what web designers should learn about AI and whether it is necessary to learn anything at all. The article is accompanied by an image with dimensions 750×500 pixels.

7. CSS Findings From Photoshop Web Version: Clicking on this link takes users to an article by Ahmad Shadeed that explores the CSS of the new web version of Photoshop. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is included.

8. The Three Cs: This link directs users to an article discussing the considerations of serving and storing files on the web, specifically concatenation, compression, and caching. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is displayed.

9. Introduction to Web Sustainability: Clicking on this link provides information on how individuals can contribute to building a greener and more sustainable web. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is shown.

10. Scroll-Driven State Transfer: This link leads to an article or resource related to scroll-driven state transfer. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is included.

11. Best Photographer Logo Templates in 2023: Clicking on this link showcases a collection of templates for creating stunning logos for photographers or serves as inspiration for designing one’s own logo. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is displayed.

12. Design Books for Non-Designers: This link directs users to a collection of books that aim to provide non-designers with a better understanding of design. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is shown.

13. Solid.js Creator Outlines Options to Reduce JavaScript Code: Clicking on this link leads to an article by Ryan Carniato, the creator of Solid.js, discussing ways to reduce JavaScript code. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is included.

14. Burn Your Toast: This link provides information or insights related to using a toast component and whether the content displayed in the toast is necessary. An image with dimensions 750×500 pixels is displayed.