Is Web Design Too Complex for Freelancers Nowadays?

Web designers are facing new challenges in the industry. Building websites has become more complex, with numerous moving parts and technologies to manage. Freelancers, in particular, are feeling the pressure as they have to handle all aspects of website development on a limited budget.

In the past, only large organizations had the resources to build high-functioning websites from scratch. However, with the rise of eCommerce solutions and platforms like WordPress, even freelancers can create highly functional sites. While this opens up opportunities for solo entrepreneurs and small agencies, it also places a great deal of responsibility on developers. They now have to keep software up to date, ensure security, integrate payment gateways, adapt to software changes, consider accessibility and privacy regulations, optimize performance, and provide customer support and training.

Large organizations have dedicated staff and budgets for these tasks, but freelancers have to handle them all themselves. Managing multiple websites becomes overwhelming and unsustainable.

Website issues are also becoming more complicated. Incompatibilities between software updates, security breaches, and unexpected changes to themes and plugins require time and money to fix.

To simplify this mess, web designers should consider building websites according to need, using only necessary tools and avoiding over-engineering. They can also take advantage of automated tools to monitor security, uptime, and performance. Additionally, they should shift the burden of tasks outside their expertise to clients or specialists. Setting boundaries and educating clients about their areas of expertise can help manage workload and expectations.

Web designers must adapt to the new reality of complex websites and client expectations. They should assess and manage risks effectively and communicate with clients about the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches. By finding better ways to navigate these challenges, the industry can transition to a new chapter.