The Divi 5 Public Alpha is available for testing. As we progress towards the final release, we’ll update Divi 5 every two weeks, appearing as a standard update in your WordPress dashboard. If you use Divi 5, you’ll notice an update notification for Public Alpha Version 3 today.
Thanks to everyone who has reported bugs so far! The influx of new bugs has slowed, and we are fixing bugs faster than reported.
Based on our current rate of progress, I expect Divi 5 to be in a very stable position within the next few weeks. You can use Divi 5 more confidently on new websites at that point, and we’ll start working on features again.
What’s New In Public Alpha 3?
Over the past two weeks, we fixed 81 bugs 🎉. There aren’t many major bugs left, just little things that need to be touched up. We also made a few minor improvements, including:
Standout Changes
- Layers View Performance: In Divi 5, the smaller interface size and ability to dock multiple panels make the layers panel much more usable. We want you to be able to keep the layers panel open and use it on large layouts, but we noticed it was becoming noticeably laggy in some scenarios. That lag has been fixed.
- Global Colors Caching: In Divi 5, global colors are printed as CSS variables on the front end using a new system that didn’t have caching. We introduced caching for global colors and limited CSS variable output to only the global colors used on the current page, speeding up processing time and reducing page size. This is a very small change, but everything adds up!
Here is a list of all the changes implemented in Public Alpha 3.
- Fixed the broken “Use The Divi Builder” button in the Block Editor header.
- Fixed Inner Border Widths Not Working with the Main Border Width Set.
- Fixed Default Border Width Inconsistency for left, right bottom, and top border width. The default is 2px now.
- Fixed a bug in the appearance of Background Gradient stops in the Builder when the Gradient Length is less than 100%.
- Fixed an issue with item conversion in Divi Library, enabling users to split and convert rows, sections, and modules as needed.
- Fixed an issue with item conversion in Divi Library to allow for more flexibility and enhanced functionality.
- Fixed inconsistencies between Divi 4 and Divi 5 styles when modules have applied border-radius settings.
- Fixed broken modal behavior; Render last opened or dragged modal on top of another modal.
- When the breakpoint changes, prevent unnecessary rerendering on the section’s module settings group component.
- Added the Go To Layer option when right-clicking a module in the Layers view modal and when the filter is active.
- Fixed the Layers View issue where filtering did not update after removing a search term.
- Fixed a React 18 lifecycle bug in the Builder when enabling the “Use Custom Styles For Button” option.
- Fixed Inconsistent height of media library popup modal.
- Remove the option to enable and disable the “latest Divi Builder experience” since this option is no longer relevant in Divi 5.
- Improved Global Colors Styles output to only include the global colors used in a page.
- Added Global Colors Styles output to Static CSS cache files to improve performance.
- Fixed showing Divi Plus animation and icons for Flip Box modules.
- Fixed Rollback button visibility after rollback in migrator.
- Implemented the conditions options for the shortcode modules.
- Fixed recently used font context.
- Disabled Settings modal interactions during Global Module save.
- Fixed the Incompatible posts list in the Migrator compatibility report file and “Download” button visibility.
- Fixed debug constant issue preventing dependencies from loading in release versions without development dependencies.
- Fixed an issue where the Contact Form’s Submit button hover styles did not match Divi 4 after migration to Divi 5.
- Improved elements are highlighted in the layers view when dragging items.
- Fixed history record for Copy/Paste module action.
- Fixed Ensured the settings modal consistently opens with the first option group expanded in the content tab,.
- Added Global Font Weight options on Font Options’ Font Weight field.
- Fixed dynamic content rendering in theme builder.
- Updated dynamic data variables when importing cloud theme builder template.
- Fixed history record for Duplicate action.
- Fixed an issue where absolutely positioned elements are not properly positioned when placed on a parent element e.g column with parallax enabled.
- Fixes inconsistent copy-paste style results due to the absence of clipboardCategory prop on divi/composite group component.
- The range slider’s starting value is fixed for the sizing group.
- Fixed elements are not grayed out when hidden on all devices.
- Fixed an issue where shortcode modules displayed as “Shortcode module” instead of their Admin Labels in the Layers View.
- Fixed an issue where Shortcode module options are not populated when opened through a click in Layers View.
- Fixed an issue where unsaved changes were not prompting a warning popup.
- Fixed missing WooCommerce pages group in the Theme Builder template list.
- Fixed an issue where editing a global color does not reflect the preview on the section divider, background mask, and background pattern in VB.
- Fixed update Tab icon with app color when its field has any modified value.
- Fixed Overlay settings copy/paste when copying slide styles.
- Fixed sticky elements have no transition of width when sticky.
- Updated Converting Dynamic Module tutorial to cover new changes about how to add custom styles output to Style::add method.
- Updated module_styles method of all example modules to cover new changes about how to add custom styles output to Style::add method.
- Fixed incorrect imported background gradient from the layout made before Divi v4.16.
- Fixed an issue where certain premade layouts were not imported properly, including the Water Non-Profit Landing Page layout, Travel Agency Packages Page layout, and Eatery Landing layouts.
- Fixed fatal error due to missing Portfolio style declaration trait file after Public Alpha release.
- Fixed an issue where the module order class (selector) was not correctly applied to multiple selectors when the selectorSuffix contained multiple items separated by commas.
- Updated the readme.txt file.
- Fixed the PHP warnings generated in the debug.log file.
- Fixed a bug in DynamicAssets that was causing some social media icons to not work properly on a 404 page.
- Fixed Contact Form’s Field Focus Text color not appearing in the Builder and on the front end.
- Fix body layout having order class name with no layout suffix causes custom style to affect both body and default layout when both body and default layout are used.
- Enhanced Divi 5 modules by supporting custom Options Groups and Option Fields through JavaScript and PHP hooks.
- Fixed an issue where box shadow and border styles were not inheriting correctly in hover states.
- Fixed bug with FullwidthSlider Automatic Animation not working on the front end.
- Add explanatory documentation page detailing how to handle responsive content on the server side.
- Fixed broken visual builder layout on visual and wireframe mode when the menu is set as vertical menu.
- Fixed issue with Fullwidth Post Content module Frontend rendering.
- Fixed significant lag that can happen when expanding all layers view module or switching to wireframe mode if the layout has many modules (e.g. 200+ modules in a page).
- Fixed dropdown display issue in Layers view when using a searchable keyword and filter simultaneously.
- Resolved an issue where post meta was displayed on the front end despite the “Show Post Meta” option being set to “off.”.
- Fix button text being pasted when copying and pasting the style button into another button.
- Fixed the positioning of the progress bar during Theme Builder import/export so it aligns correctly within its container.
- Fixed an issue where the Blog module did not display all categories in settings with more than 10 categories.
- Removed unwanted new lines from the Compatibility Report file.
- Updated the code to check for a post before getting the post content data.
- Fixed an issue where the z-index property in the Row and Column modules was not adding the !important declaration.
- Fixed ACF Compatibility with Dynamic Content Custom Meta Field.
- Fixed hover behavior in Conditions Options to ensure only one field is highlighted at a time.
- Fixed the post-navigation module to show the correct link when the module is added from the theme builder.
- Fixed the Post Slider meta content showing issue on the front end.
- Fixed an error when selecting a heading level in the Settings Modal.
- Fixed broken HTML tags while saving Divi Onboarding layouts after conversion to D5.
- Re-introduced the old Dynamic Assets function for backward compatibility, now marked as deprecated.
- Updated the preset directory and renamed the Preset Attribute page. Improved directory sorting and corrected a typo on the Preset Attribute page.
- Fixed an issue where the Post Slider/Fullwidth Post Slider module did not display all categories in settings with more than 10 categories.
- Fixed an issue where the Portfolio/Filterable Portfolio/Fullwidth Portfolio module did not display all categories in settings with more than 10 categories.
- Ensure Post titles correctly display special characters by decoding HTML entities in VB.
- Fixed an issue where setting one of the right/left values for absolute position causes the other to appear with a CSS value of “undefined” in VB.
Jump Into Divi 5 Today
Now’s the time to test Divi 5 and report bugs. We’ll continue to work aggressively to fix the problems you find. You’ll also enjoy an incredibly fast building experience, greatly improved frontend performance, and a modern new interface!
Let us know what you think so far, and stay tuned for a new Divi 5 version every two weeks. From here on out, Divi 5 will improve regularly through the Alpha, Beta, and beyond.