Content marketing in March 2024 can go beyond St. Patrick’s Day and college basketball. Instead, marketers could focus on puppies, other forms of “March Madness,” the time change, spring fitness, and do-it-yourself crafts.

Content marketing is the act of creating, sharing, and promoting content such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts to attract, engage, and retain shoppers. Content marketing can be a key part of search engine optimization, lifecycle marketing, and customer loyalty.

What follows are five content marketing ideas your business can use in March 2024.

National Puppy Day

If content marketing is about attraction, National Puppy Day on March 23, 2024, might be one of the best topics. Puppies are fun, cute, and adorable.

Photo of three brown puppies

Puppies are so cute they attract prospects, which is one of the main goals of content marketing.

Like many “greeting card” holidays, National Puppy Day’s origins are unclear. However, the American Kennel Club and numerous animal advocacy groups support the event.

Online shops selling pet products will have the most opportunity to publish National Puppy Day blog posts, podcasts, and the like. Still, all sorts of ecommerce businesses can produce puppy posts. Here are a few examples.

  • Online used bookseller: “10 Top Puppies from Fantasy Literature.”
  • Garden supply store: “How to Grow a Puppy-friendly Garden.”
  • Internet camera shop: “How Your Pup Can Help Build an Instagram Following.”

March Madness but Not Basketball

Photo of a basketball with an X on it.

“March Madness” content does not have to be about basketball.

Ecommerce content marketers can take some liberty with “March Madness” and focus on “mad” activities that don’t include college basketball.

For these articles, frame the products your store sells or the shoppers it serves as some kind of “March Madness.” Here are a few examples.

  • Movie memorabilia merchant: “March Movie Madness: 10 Best Movies Ever Released in March.”
  • Women’s apparel boutique: “March Fashion Madness: 10 Spring Outfits to Up Your Dating Game.”
  • Online Toy Store: “March Madness: Top 25 Toys Right Now.”

Daylight Saving Time

AI-generated image of Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin was among the first to recommend daylight saving time.

On March 10, 2024, the clocks in the United States will spring forward for daylight saving time. Searches on Google for the term will soar in early March.

Marketers can use the heightened interest to produce content related to the time charge.

The aim is not to create a sales pitch but rather to offer engaging, educational, or helpful content relevant to the products sold and the industry served.

Here are a few example article titles.

  • Workwear store: “The Ultimate Guide to Spring Workwear.”
  • Art supply boutique: “Spring Art Projects Inspired by Longer Days.”
  • Online game stop: “Adjusting Your Play Schedule around Daylight Saving Time.”

Another angle could be historical or political. For example, a rare book merchant could publish an essay about the history of daylight savings time and how it impacted America’s growth. The essay might mention several rare books on the topic, making the connection from content to products.

Spring into Fitness

Photo of a male hiking

Spring fitness can be a good content marketing opportunity.

Jay Baer’s book, “Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype,” was published in 2013 but remains relevant for content marketing.

One of Baer’s concepts in the book was that content marketing works best when it assists the marketer’s audience to achieve a goal or decision.

“Spring into fitness” could be a March 2024 content marketing idea that does what Baer recommended. Stores that sell products related to health, fitness, getting outdoors, travel, or similar healthy habits can create content that teaches, engages, and ultimately aids their readers.

National Craft Month

Photo of yarn in a basket

Crafty content in March could include profiles of a store’s customers.

March is National Craft Month in the U.S. The event emphasizes the broad range of crafts folks might participate in.

National Craft Month can be a good opportunity for content marketers to showcase customers. Start in February by identifying and interviewing customers who have used the products a store sells to build a project. Then, profile those customers throughout March.

These efforts combine good content with word-of-mouth marketing since every featured customer will likely share and promote the profile to their family and friends.

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